This was the first one, quite easy.

This one had nice container ;)

Hmm tricky one! Wooden piece mounted below the bench, when rotated by 90 degress one end appeared with a hole in it - there was the logbook hidden.

Well this ones hint was "In the carpet of ivy, close to the fence" ... hmm there was maybe 200m2 of ivy all around, and also three different fences... finally found, but don't understand it at all, it was in that black tube, just lying in the ivy ... doesn't look like a hiding place for cache at all

This one was easy, and there were very cute cows!

This one was hanging above the river ... the picture is taken upside down, as I was lying on the ground with my head hanging down ;)

Nice idea, planting an artificial small tree, and hang the cache to the root. With the hint "It will never grow" ;)

Easy one

Hint for this one was "Stonehenge" ... and there was huge stone wall with lot of holes in it, so of course I checked each hole .. and this small cache was lying on the ground in the grass!!

This is long story. the hint was saying "Should animals be kept behind bars? Look out for a Lion bar." Well there was nothing just path, grass, river and bushes ... then I found out that the bars are actually hidden in the bushes. So what the hell is Lion bar now? After some time I found the lion bar .. was a bar with tiny lion on the top of it! And the cache was, after another while of searching, found at the bottom of that bar, and it was this plastic animal :D

Well this one was really bad, hidden in the wood, with lot of other plants around, with the hint "Stickin' out" ... was sticked into a small stone wall.

Nice one, the bird was hanging in at least 2m height, maybe even more, and had a thin string attached, the string went more up around some stick and finally came back down from where I could lower it to my height ... very nice one.

The last one already in Belfast, again very easy.