Photoblog from Prague
«July '08»

© 2007-15 Zdenka Šturcová

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«31st July 2008»

IKEA service

This week was pretty suprising about the services. I have already written about the KFC, and now it's time to mention IKEA.

Sunday evening, around 6pm I decided I want to plan my future kitchen. I downloaded the IKEA homeplanner, as I found it as the easiest way how to see some results quickly. But the application was not working on my computer, the only thing it keeps saying to me was the 'Fatal error'. So I filled their online form, and started to do something else. After 5 minutes I recieved an email from IKEA, saying that they tried to reach me by phone, but I didn't answer so they are writing me an email, and they asked my for my post address so they can send me a CD with their application.

Unbelievable, I runned for my phone, and I had really two missed calls!

Tuesday evening I found the CD in my post box...

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